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Lim Wai Hong

Diploma in Interior Design

I am designing a Tzu Chi Recycle Education hub, before I design, I have to study well and fully understanding their history and how theirs works, achievement, award, function, and so on. After study finish, I have created some sentence to conclusion for my understanding about my client, Tzu Chi Recycle Education Center. Then came out with save the poor, do good things, raise the moral concept, educate the next generation, live together and create a “cycle of goodness” between people. After this I also have create my own word to let it spread more than more sentence such provide food & living for them, no waste & no evil, always feel grateful and respect, knowledge gaining, provide love and care for them, & no cheating and no hiding. After that I keep continue to create sentence for them such as a new beginning, be grateful, personal growth, confidence & self-empowerment, believe in ( trust), and loving. In conclusion I came out with this word for my concept which is call REGENERATE. This is representing a second chance & unlock a new chapter for the homeless people or some poor guys, become a contribution for country & environment protection, and spreads the goodness for everyone. On top of that regenerate also have hidden meaning which is (Unexpected of your future). This is due to the reason that the concept of regenerate is creating a possible future hat you want. Regenerate is a process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. To give an example, I use banyan tree for my expressive element. This is because, a banyan is a kind of fig. it usually starts life by growing on another plant as an epiphyte. Second, Banyans are ecological linchpins. They produce vast crops of figs that sustain many species of birds, fruit bats, primates and other
creatures, which in turn disperse the seeds of hundreds of other plant species. Third, the banyan tree also allows the roots around it to grow together into new trees, and the genes are the same. Lastly, Banyan tree, like Tzu Chi, assists the weak and poor, and offers help and hope to renew their lives and become a contributing person. Why I design recycle education center for ss15 there this is because • SS15 is a hotspot due the excessive amount of rubbish around ss15 area. • Many people throw their rubbish into the drains, which leads to the pollution of the drains. • A lot of garbage can be recycled but they just throw it into the trash can. • There is also a lack of a proper recycling station. • Waste Management has also become the Government major concern in recent years. Therefore, it is not doubt that I also have provide few objectives why I want to design recycle education center at ss15 • To reduce the waste and the amount of pollution in ss15. • To provide the education relation 5R for them (Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Refuse, and Repair). • Raise awareness to the public about the recycling. • Create extra job opportunity. • Fully utilized the fund from government.

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